When will you start applying the £25,000 annual cap?
How will you treat claims submitted on or before 31 March 2025?
How will you treat claims submitted on or after 1 April?
How long do I have to claim for works carried out in 2024?
What about long term projects already in train?
What about works for next year that are already contracted for?
Example one:
Example two:
Example three:
What happens if I send an application by 31 March 2025 but it is put on hold by EMB due to missing information?
Example one:
Example two:
What if I want to appeal a decision regarding a claim that was submitted in 2024-2025?
How soon after submitting an application will I receive my payment?
What happens after the end of March 2026?
Will the £25,000 cap apply to the building or the body making the claim?
Who will monitor the new £25,000 cap?
How many claims can I make?
Does the minimum invoice value threshold of £1,000 still apply?
What other changes are happening to the grant scheme next year?